Art & Science

Tom Dodson w/cell structure of hydrilla verticallata superimposedA few months back, the Axiom Center for New & Experimental Media invited me to participate in a reading series about the intersection of art and science. 

I read my story “Evidence of Harm,” which follows an attorney as he pursues his obsession with a troubled young woman and investigates an invasive plant species that is suffocating a New England lake. The story, concerned with trauma the limits of empirical explanation, seemed like a good fit for the series.

Axiom is planning to podcast a series of interviews with readers, and they just finished editing mine. You can follow the links below to hear what I have to say about art and science and to hear a scene from the story. By the way, I’d love to post the whole thing here or elsewhere, but I’m still holding out hope that it might be accepted for publication in a journal someday.

sound file icon Interview with Axiom

sound file icon Reading from “Evidence of Harm”